World Campus

Nittany AI Challenge 2020

Top student teams awarded $4,500 in first phase of Nittany AI Challenge

Fifteen student teams using artificial intelligence (AI) to make the world a better place have been awarded a total of $4,500 ($300 each) in the Prototype Phase of the Nittany AI Challenge. This year’s Nittany AI Challenge includes new partners and resources providing even more opportunities for student success.
Graphic showing five phases of the Penn State Strategic Plan process. Currently in phase 2, developing the institutional plan.

Penn Staters invited to share feedback on draft Strategic Plan proposal

A draft proposal of Penn State’s institutional strategic plan has been unveiled and shared with the community for feedback and discussion. All faculty, staff and students at all campuses are encouraged to visit the Strategic Plan website to review and provide feedback on the draft plans for four goal areas.

Resources, support and ways to help in Turkey, Syria following earthquake

Roger Brindley, vice provost for Penn State Global; Andrea Dowhower interim vice president for Student Affairs; and Renata Engel, vice provost for online education, share resources available for individuals who have been impacted by the earthquake in Syria and Turkey, as well as ways to help with the rescue and recovery.